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Research Time

Research Time

Article update with video of the event

Provided in partnership with Sage Publishing and Kelly Trivedy

Do you struggle with procrastination, digital tools or not sure who can support you? This session is for you!

Kelly Trivedy is an educationalist who is the author of the 'Plan your Research Project' book. The session designed for all levels from UG-Doctoral.

The session features active engagement from the event attendees and discussion around procrastination and how to minimise this.

Kelly leads a more detailed conversation around support networks (e.g. supervisor/peers etc) during the research journey.

The main highlight of the session is the discussion around digital platforms to consider during the research process and what they can be used for.

Research Time

By Kelly Trivedy
Kelly began her career as a Youth Support Worker and Teacher, she has worked with a wide range of educators and institutions for 10 years. Working as an Academic Specialist and a Lecturer in Law and Education is where Kelly gained her love of theory and debate. Engaging students in thought-provoking conversations led to confident individuals with professional careers. This gave her a sense of satisfaction which she mirrors in her role as tutor and consultant. Kelly's research focus is on critical thinking in Higher Education. She has further interests in reflective practice and ethics in education. Her book: 'Planning your Research Project' (available on the JS Engagement Portal) was published in 2021.

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